Washington State Swaps and Stores

Very different from California...

The Washington state surplus scene has a very different 'feel' to it than California. There is a much stronger emphasis, particularly at the local ham radio swaps, on electronic component parts, test gear, and radio-related equipment. Computer and networking equipment is often in the minority. There do exist dedicated computer swap meets (or there used to be, anyway), but I don't list them here because PC components have become purely commodity items.

As with the California section, this page has been completely redesigned for better navigation, and to include more detailed info and a photo of each storefront. Numeric grades have been changed to letters, mimicking most school systems. Surplus stores are now graded on these categories.

If you don't see your favorite place listed, I invite you to drop me a note about it. The criteria for listing on this site are:

For Surplus Stores or dealers:

  1. The store or dealer must have an actual 'brick-and-mortar' storefront that is open on some kind of recurring schedule. Dealers that are 100% online or web-based do not generally qualify for a listing.
  2. The store or dealer must be willing to sell to any buyer. It's OK if said store or dealer requires a reseller permit, but they must be set up in such a way that members of the public can buy from them without undue hassle. Example: Fluke's company surplus store does NOT qualify for a listing because they only sell to Fluke employees.
  3. The store or dealer must sell at least 50% used/surplus equipment. Sellers of all-new equipment, or those that do not regularly sell at least 50% surplus, are NOT ELIGIBLE for listing. Examples: Supertronix in Kent, and Vetco in Bellevue, both lost their listings because they reduced their used/surplus stock below 50% of their inventory.

For Swap Meets:

  1. The event must be at least 75% dedicated to surplus electronic, computer, radio, and/or test equipment. Trade shows do not qualify for a listing!
  2. The event must happen on a recurring schedule, at least once per year.

(Most widely known) Washington State TechSwap Events

Follow the highlighted links for details about these events.

Mike and Key ARC Annual Hamfest & Swap Meet. 2nd Saturday every March. (annual event), Western Washington Fairgrounds, Puyallup, WA.

SCARC Annual Hamfest and Swap Meet. 2nd Saturday every May (annual event), Stanwood-Camano Fairgrounds, Camano, WA.

Washington State Electronic/Computer Surplus Stores

Washington has, like most other (formerly) surplus-rich areas, lost some notable stores. Boeing Surplus and Electronic Dimensions both evaporated some time ago, the first due to an executive's overreaching greed for power, the second because the owner just wanted to retire. Others, like TekDragon, were sold off and, subsequently, went Ebay-only. Where 'Brick-and-Mortar' stores are concerned, we're pretty much down to RE-PC.

3R Technology, Seattle -- Went Ebay-only as of Jan-2022.

RE-PC Recycled Computers (in Seattle and Tukwila)

Washington State Surplus, Auburn -- RETAIL STORE CLOSED in 2020. Went to online and auction-only format.

Clicking on any of the above links will take you to a separate page describing the store in question.

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Last update: 02-Jan-23 by Bruce Lane